

The system of education in ancient India required the students to live in the campus of a forest academy along with the teachers. The teaching imparted was, almost always, in the form of sutras or aphorisms, followed by explanations and discussions. At a time when committing things to memory was considered supremely important, this method suited admirably. The sutra literature is a class by itself. As per the norms set for a sutra , it should be alpaksara(consisting of minimum number of letters )asandigdha (with out doubt as regards the meaning ) saravat(must contain the essence of the subject) and ye visva-tomukha (reflect all aspects of the same). However in their anxiety to economise the words, the composers of the sutra-works seem to have so overdone it that bhasyas or explanatory commentaries by later writers became necessary. The srauta, the grhya and the dhrama sutras form the earliest bunch of sutra literature. The darsanas or the philosophical system which are of a later perio

What is YOGA?

Yoga is a scientific system of physical and mental practices that originated in India more than three thousand years ago. Its purpose is to help each one of us achieve our highest potential and to experience enduring health and happiness. With Yoga, we can extend our healthy, productive years far beyond the accepted norm and, at the same time, improve the quality of our lives. The branch of Yoga that forms the main focus of my teaching work with both adults and children is called Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga begins by working with the body on a structural level, helping to align the vertebrae, increase flexibility, and strengthen muscles and connective tissue. At the same time, internal organs are toned and rejuvenated; the epidermal, digestive, lymphatic, cardiovascular, and pulmonary systems are purified of toxins and waste matter; the nervous and endocrine systems are balanced and toned; and brain cells are nourished and stimulated. The end result is increased mental clarity,

Apple and Its description and nutritional importance in diet

Apple is always considered as an important fruit for health. "An doctor away " a famous old saying shows the nutritiona apple a day really keeps the l importance of apple in diet . Botanical Name of apple :: Malus sylveslris Indian Name of apple :: Seb or Sev The apple is a sub-acid fruit and one of the most valuable of all the fruits It is a fleshy fruit, with tough skin, ranging in color from greenish yellow to red. It is usually five to seven cm in diameter and has pinkish or yellowish white flesh. The apple is considered "protective" and most wholesome food. Apart from its energy value, it plays an important role in the normal development of metabolic functions-i.e. the chemical and physical changes that take place within the body and enable its continued growth and functioning Origin and Distribution The apple is a native of Eastern Europe and Western Asia and has been cultivated from pre historic times. It has mentioned in the annals o

Fruit Cure

Fruits are highly beneficial in maintaining acid-alkaline balance in the body. They neutralize the toxic condition of the body resulting from excessive intake of acid –forming foods and restore its alkalinity. They help clear the system of morbid waste and cater to the body’s requirement of natural sugar, vitamins and minerals. Adolf Just, the world famous Naturopath, in his book Return to Nature states, “Fruits alone contain healing draughts for man; Nature offers them readymade, they taste deliciously and are sure to cure all his sufferings and disease. Fruits Contains nectar and ambrosia.” Fasting is considered as Nature’s Oldest and most effective method of treating diseases. The best and safest way of fasting is ‘juice fasting ‘. The procedure is to take the juice of an orange or any other juicy fruits , such as grapes ,mosambi, grapefruit and pineapple, diluted in 50:50 with water, every two hours from to 8p.m . Nothing else, whatsoever, may be taken, as otherwise the v

Happiness and Health.

Happiness and Health. Every human home was originally intended to be a real haven of rest- a little heaven on earth, where all of the children would learn to be unselfish. Attitudes of love and loyalty were to be inculcated into their minds. It was to be a place where youth could grow up happily, and to which they might return for comfort and guidance even after having left their parents to establish new homes for themselves. Such an ideal whenever realized goes far to minimize problems of later life. Some may not have such a home that is the game of life. True, there are those who think that life must go on according to the brutal ways of the jungle. They claim that human feelings really do not matter. This is far from true. Man was “made in the image of God” that they might reflect the glory and love of God. Originally he was placed in beautiful garden home, not in a cruel, heartless jungle with no law except survival of the fittest. A happy home should be the heritage of every pe

Kundalini Shakti

All lifein the cosmos is animated by life-force or ‘vital energy’ that is said to be the power that governs the universal power. The Indian word for this life-force is ‘prana’ and Kundalini shakti , the Chinese call it ‘chi’, the Apache ‘divin’ and the pygmies ‘mana’. This life force (kundalini Shakti or prana shakti) is the animating power that flows through all living things. A living person is filled with it; a dead person has none. It is also the life energy one senses in nature, in the cosmos around us . It is this indwelling force that manifests as the feel of a direction or a pattern frozen with an instant. All living beings have this life force (prana or kundalini Shakti) it is the cultivation, expansion, harnessing and use of this force (kundalini) is important. In yoga this done by the activating the subtle system of channels called nadis and centers of energy called chakras which look after our physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual being . There seven chakras pre

Jnana and Vijnana

"The yogi who is filled with the contentment of wisdom asn discriminative knowledge,who is firm as a rock,who has masteres his senses,and to whom a cold of earth,a stone and gold are the same,is possessed of Yoga." Jnana here means listening to reading from shastras,mediating over them,studing them,and vijnana means realizing the atman in direct experience.Jnana is understanding through reason,and vijnana is that knowledge which sinks through reason into experience.Jnana is knowledge obtained from shastras,where as vijnana is knowledge whish is part of one's experience.Non-violence will have become direct experience for us in this sense when our whole life comes tp be permeated wit the spirit of compassion,when non-violence manifests itself in us in its true essence.That boy who comes to fell compassion as his own experience will to that extent have purifies himself ,or attained knowledge of the self. He whose atman is filled to perfect contentment with such Jnana and vij