Hala asana

Hala means plough. As the body assumes the shape of a plough in this exercise, it is called so. This asana is performed immediately after sarvanga asana.

How to do : first perform Sarvanga Asana.

Then keeping the legs together, bring them down until the toes touch the ground. Keep the arms stretched on the ground. Chest should be pressed against the chin . The mind should be fixed on the space between eyebrows.

: Initially for a few seconds. Gradually the period can be raised to two minutes.

After doing Hala asana, come back to the pose of Sarvanga asana. Then slowly bring your legs down in the ground.

Gains :
This exercise stretches the muscles of the back, the spinal column receives a rich supply of blood and the thyroid glands are well massaged. It checks early ossification of the vertebral bones and checks obesity, removes diseases of the liver,spleen and stomach.


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