Jal-shaamak mudra

Jal-shaamak mudra brings about a reduction of the jal(water) element with in the body.

Method: this mudra is formed by first placing the tip of the little finger on the base of the thumb and then bringing gentle pressure of the thumb upon this finger, this amounts to suppression of element water(residing in the little finger) by element fire( residing in the thumb).

Effects: Jal-shaamak mudra reduces the water-content of the body by suitable affecting the water-metabolism. It can, therefore , be used to overcome water-loggging with in the body.

Water is also a component of the two bodily humors: Pittta and Kapha. Practice of jal-shaamak mudra brings about a reduction of these humors. People with a pronounce Pitta+ Kapha constitution can immensely benefit by the practice of this mudra. Such people can regularly practice this mudra even to prevent illness.

Benefits: Jal-shaamk mudra can be used to overcome the following disorders:
2. Ascitis, dropsy,
3. Excessive salivation,
4. Watery eyes
5. Running nose,
6. Hyperacidity,
7. Diarrhoea (loose motions),
8. Pleural effusion
9. Excess of hormones,
10. Excessive Effusion a joint,
11. Excessive menses(menorrhagia),
12 .Hydrocele,
13. hydrocephalous,
14. Hydronephrosis,
15. Cold and clamy body/hands /feet,
16. Disorders of Vaata deficiency (see Vaayu-vardhak mudra).

Duration: 45 minutes every day, either at one stretch or in 3 parts(i.e, for 15 minutes , thrice a day).
Ideal time: None
Precautions: Experienced doctors say that the practice of this mudra should be discontinued as soon as the disease has been overcome.


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